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Sedation Dentistry – Carrollton, TX

Soothe Your Dental Anxiety

patient smiling while visiting dentist in Carrollton

Have you ever avoided going to the dentist purely out of fear or anxiety? If you have, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that as many as 20% of American adults have put off going to the dentist because of anxiety. Because dental fear is so common, modern dentistry has advanced to include sedation dentistry in Carrollton. This special kind of medication can soothe your dental anxiety to allow you to receive the care you need without any worries or pain. If you have been avoiding the dentist due to fear, give us a call today to help alleviate your anxieties.

Why Choose DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Available for Any Procedure
  • Gentle Yet Effective Options
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Flexible Financing Available

Nitrous Oxide

girl receiving sedation in Carrollton

For patients who want a soothing and relaxed dental experience, Dr. Durga Devarakonda offers inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide. We give it to patients who want to stay awake during the procedure so that they can respond to requests and directions during the treatment. We monitor the sedation level during your treatment and the effect of nitrous oxide usually wears off within a few minutes after the mask is removed. Patients are generally able to drive home after their appointment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

girl about to take pill

People skip their dental appointments more often than you’d think because of dental anxiety or fear. At DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we want nothing more than to make your visits as comfortable as possible. If that means seeing a sedation dentist in Carrollton to complete your treatments, so be it! It’s one of the reasons why we offer oral conscious sedation, ensuring no one in your family has to feel anxious just to protect their oral health.

IV Sedation

IV drip

People skip their dental appointments more often than you’d think because of dental anxiety or fear. At DD Family Dentistry of Carrollton, we want nothing more than to make your visits as comfortable as possible. If that means seeing a sedation dentist in Carrollton to complete your treatments, so be it! It’s one of the reasons why we offer oral conscious sedation, ensuring no one in your family has to feel anxious just to protect their oral health.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Woman smiles confidently thanks to sedation dentistry in Carrollton

If you’re scared of the dentist, we’re here to help soothe your anxiety with sedation dentistry in Carrollton. Alongside our compassionate staff and relaxing office atmosphere, we’re proud to offer numerous types of dental sedation to help your visit go as smoothly and pleasantly as possible. However, it’s natural to have some questions about sedation dentistry before you feel confident about choosing it for your next appointment. Below, you’ll find some of the most common questions we get about sedation dentistry, and if you don’t see the answers you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to give us a call !