DD Family Dentistry Blog

Oral Health for Loved Ones with Autism

April 19, 2024

person helping child with autism brush their teeth

Did you know that the World Health Organization says about 1 in every 160 children worldwide has autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Additionally, in the U.S., approximately 2% of adults have ASD. April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day, a great opportunity to learn more about supporting those with these conditions. For instance, research shows that people with ASD are often more prone to dental problems. Keep reading to understand why this occurs and discover ways to promote better dental health for your family!


Use Your Child’s Dental Insurance: A Basic Guide to Maximizing Their Coverage

April 8, 2024

Happy child posing with dental team member

Is your child covered on your dental insurance plan? If so, you might be wondering how you can get the most out of their benefits. Your efforts can support your child’s overall wellness and allow you to save money. Really, using their coverage is a win-win situation! Here are some tips that can help you to maximize to your child’s insurance benefits:


Keeping Your Invisalign Trays Crystal Clear

March 5, 2024

person holding Invisalign aligner

Just as it’s crucial for people with regular braces, it’s also important for those with Invisalign to maintain good oral health. This helps avoid delays in treatment caused by unexpected toothaches or gum infections. A key way to do this is by cleaning your trays daily, preferably twice a day, to stop plaque and debris from getting stuck between your teeth and aligners. Keep reading to discover effective ways to clean your trays, including using Invisalign cleaning crystals.


Dental Insurance Waiting Periods: What Are They? How Do They Work?

March 1, 2024

Close-up of tooth model next to calculator

Perhaps you know you need a bit of restorative care for your smile, such as a filling or a crown. To help you pay for your treatment, you purchase a dental insurance policy, but when you visit your dentist, you find out that your benefits will not cover your procedure! That frustrating situation could be due to your policy’s waiting period. What exactly are dental insurance waiting periods, and how do they work? This blog post explains some basic information.


4 Things You Should Know When Dating with Invisalign

February 6, 2024

An Invisalign aligner held between two fingers

Valentine’s Day is now less than a week away. Perhaps you’ve planned a date with your sweetheart to celebrate. That said, you may worry about how Invisalign will affect it. It wouldn’t be good for your trays to ruin the outing. Thankfully, it’s simple enough to take your aligners into account. Your Carrolton dentist will gladly show you a few pointers. So, here’s a summary of four things to know when dating with Invisalign.


Reasons to Schedule a Dental Checkup Early

January 15, 2024

Dentist appointment circled on a calendar Brushing and flossing are your first lines of defense against common dental problems, but they aren’t enough to keep your mouth healthy. The American Dental Association recommends a cleaning and checkup twice a year. As you focus on your New Year’s resolutions, keep a dental checkup at the top of your list. Here are 5 reasons to schedule your semi-annual cleaning and checkup early in the year. 


How Long Will My Invisalign Treatment Take?

December 13, 2023

Woman thinks something over

Since Invisalign can realign a smile without the clearly visible metal parts and dietary restrictions that come with traditional braces, its popularity has exploded in recent decades. While Invisalign is a sophisticated method for straightening out smiles, it still requires a significant commitment of time and effort on the part of the patient. While Invisalign can be a convenient way for many individuals to realign their grins, many people might wonder how long they can expect their treatment to last. Here’s what you should know about how long Invisalign takes and what can lengthen or shorten that timeframe.


How Long Should You Wear a Retainer After Invisalign?

November 3, 2023

person holding up Invisalign retainer and smiling

If you’re considering undergoing Invisalign treatment to straighten your pearly whites, then it’s important to understand the post-treatment phase. Invisalign, which is a treatment that is known for its discreet approach, requires the use of retainers after treatment completion to maintain the results. Let’s explore how long you’ll need to wear a retainer and why it’s essential for preserving your newly aligned smile.


How to Keep Your Smile from Getting Scary this Halloween

October 1, 2023

pumpkin with a scary smile

Halloween is all about embracing the things that scare us, reveling in horror movies and putting on creepy costumes. If you’re someone who’s conscientious about your oral health, there may be one thing that scares you more than anything this time of year: cavities.

With sugary sweets everywhere you go, it may start to seem like there’s no way for you to keep your smile in good shape through the Halloween season. If that’s your concern, don’t worry. With these tips, you should wake up on November 1st with a smile just as healthy as the one you had before the holiday.


Will Everyone Get Wisdom Teeth?

September 6, 2023

person wondering if everyone has wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, often referred to as the third molars, are the final set of molars to emerge. For individuals in their twenties who have yet to experience the eruption of their wisdom teeth, questions may arise about whether they will ever develop these molars. Continue reading to learn whether everyone will develop wisdom teeth at some point in their life and how to know if you have them.
