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An Oral Cancer Screening in Carrollton Could Save Your Life!

April 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — ddfamilyteam @ 2:49 pm
"oral cancer" spelled out on a desk

According to the American Cancer Society, this year about 53,000 people will be affected by oral cancer. Early detection and treatment is vital because once the cancer spreads, it’s significantly more difficult to stop. It will cause about 10,000 deaths this year due to factors like late diagnosis, which is why it’s so important to attend your routine checkups and cleanings with your dentist. You may not have known it, but each time you visit them they conduct an oral cancer screening in Carrollton in search of any symptoms that could lead to an early diagnosis. This Oral Cancer Awareness Month, keep yourself healthy and in-the-know by learning prevention techniques. Read on to know what to expect during your screening at your next semi-annual appointment.
